I first ran across Maurice Cherry in Black Designers United, a private Facebook group for Black and minority designers. I noticed that he was quite active on the platform and was surprised when he contacted me to be interviewed on his platform Revision Path. One of the good things about being located in Atlanta, is that you get a chance to be in a city that is bustling with creativity. While at the time of this interview I was going through a difficult personal situation, it was great to talk about my design journey and gives some great advice for aspiring front-end engineers out there. Thanks again Maurice for showcasing me on your platform!
Revision Path™ is an award-winning weekly showcase of Black designers, developers, and digital creatives from all over the world. Through in-depth interviews, you’ll learn about their work, their goals, and what inspires them as creative individuals.
Revision Path was created by Maurice Cherry, and officially launched on February 28, 2013. The first interview was published on March 23, 2013, and one month later, Revision Path switched to a weekly format, with interviews publishing every Monday at 10am ET.